Privacy Policy

Privacy: At HRRSDental, we are committed to protecting your privacy. Our respect for your privacy begins with addressing your concerns about how the information we collect on our website is used.
  • We collect your name, company name, email address, shipping and billing addresses and credit card information to process your orders.
  • HRRSDental may send email updates about new products, services or promotions.
  • We do not sell, trade or rent your personal information to others.
Security: At HRRSDental, your orders are safe. Using the industry's most sophisticated security technology, we ensure that your online orders and personal information are secure. This is achieved through the use of SSL encryption and firewalls. Using SSL, your information is converted into an unrecognizable code that is securely transmitted between your computer and HRRSDental. Even if the transmission was intercepted, the information would be completely useless to anyone who viewed it.
About Cookies:  Cookies are small text files that are stored on your computer by a server. These text files store information pertaining to the website that stored them. HRRSDental uses cookies to temporarily store a small amount of account information and settings. HRRSDental does not store your personal information, such as your password, address, phone number, or credit card information. When you log out of HRRSDental, these cookies are deleted.